Artist Statement.

The change in the stability parameters of the childhood environment, such as the disappearance of a loved one before the age of two, leads to the deterioration of peace of mind. It was for many artists, a fight they try to win throughout their lives. It was not only synonymous with pain and rupture for Amanda Bouchenoire, but also a path of life of identification to a similar world, which, over the years, she tries to rebuild.   

Amanda began her artistic journey through escape to other worlds and substances: water, with drops, reflections, reflective lines, passing through glass, and even in the looks. Then, she focuses her interest on the damaged surfaces, trying to repair them and shine them with his brush. Identify that you have everything in your mind and in your hands, it is not necessary to travel miles to discover, grow and improve.

She does not believe that there is only one version of the world, everything changes according to light, perspective, interpretation, the past of each person and many other factors. She firmly believes that the arts remain a strong catalyst for how one perceives the world and also offer possibilities for change and openness of thought.

Her exhibitions rest on the natural pictorialist surfaces. It marks in 2024, the end of a cycle of 20 years, after having put all its work to the test of fire, mixes the result of its combustion, coal, and begins a new one, closer to the Earth and inner peace.